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Healthy lawns and gardens - stop herbicide abuse

Healthy lawns and gardens - stop herbicide abuse

By Scout Nelson

Gardeners in the Dakotas beware! Herbicide misuse has become the leading culprit behind struggling gardens. Each summer, countless photos of inexplicably twisted tomato and potato plants, along with deformed tree leaves, flood in - all telltale signs of herbicide damage.

The culprit? Today's powerful and persistent herbicides. Lawn clippings, once a safe mulch option, can now harbor these chemicals for extended periods, potentially harming your garden plants. Reading herbicide labels is crucial! Many dandelion killers now advise against ever using treated lawn clippings as mulch.

Compost safety is also compromised. Free, herbicide-free compost from landfills is a thing of the past. Compost may now contain remnants of herbicides used on lawns, posing a long-term threat to your garden. Manure can be risky too. Cows fed herbicide-treated hay can harbor the chemicals in their manure, potentially harming your plants for years.

Herbicide drift from nearby fields can also wreak havoc, causing damage to your trees and landscaping. Even gardeners themselves can contribute to the problem by using excessive herbicide or applying restricted-use agricultural herbicides on their lawns, harming their own plants and potentially impacting surrounding vegetation.

So, what can you do? First and foremost, read and follow herbicide labels meticulously! Use only recommended rates and products specifically registered for lawns and gardens.

Be cautious about your compost and manure sources. Consider testing them for herbicide presence before using them in your garden.

Spraying strategically minimizes risks. Target weeds in mid-September when lawns are most resilient and aim for one application per year.

Minimize spray drift by considering wind speed, avoiding calm or foggy conditions, using a coarse spray, and avoiding hot weather. Remember, a weed-free lawn is an unrealistic and potentially unhealthy goal. Embrace a few dandelions and adopt responsible herbicide practices to keep your Dakota garden thriving.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-johnbraid

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Categories: North Dakota, General

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