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North Dakota monitors H5N1 outbreak

North Dakota monitors H5N1 outbreak

By Scout Nelson

North Dakota health authorities are closely monitoring the spread of H5N1, a highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza, as it continues to affect both backyard and commercial poultry flocks, and recently, pigs, cows, and isolated human cases.

Levi Schlosser, influenza surveillance coordinator with North Dakota Health and Human Services, reassures the public that current risk remains low, with recent human cases exhibiting mild symptoms and swift recovery. Investigations into the virus's transmission among dairy cows are ongoing to better understand its impact.

While North Dakota's Health Department remains vigilant, Schlosser emphasizes the importance of preparedness and mitigation plans in case of a larger outbreak.

Efforts are also underway to develop vaccines targeting H5N1 strains, with the CDC leading research initiatives.

Schlosser advises the public to adhere to standard flu prevention measures, including vaccination, proper hygiene practices, and staying home when sick, as effective strategies against the spread of influenza viruses.

Photo Credit -gettyimages-branex

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Categories: North Dakota, Livestock, Poultry

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