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Lawmakers Push for Biofuels Growth Under RFS

Lawmakers Push for Biofuels Growth Under RFS

By Jamie Martin

A bipartisan group of nearly 30 lawmakers is calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to support biofuels expansion and remove outdated regulations limiting the industry’s growth.

The letter, led by Representatives Adrian Smith and Angie Craig, highlights the critical role of biofuels in strengthening the U.S. economy, lowering gas prices, and reducing reliance on foreign energy sources.

The lawmakers urge the EPA to ensure a clear growth path for all biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). They emphasize the need to eliminate decades-old restrictions that prevent year-round E15 sales nationwide.

The letter states that expanding E15 availability would create new markets for farmers and reduce costs for consumers.

"Steady growth in U.S. biofuel production means more American fuel in the marketplace and lower prices at the pump for hardworking families," the letter states. Lawmakers also highlight the industry's economic impact, with ethanol contributing over $54 billion to U.S. GDP in 2023 and supporting nearly 394,000 jobs. Similarly, the biodiesel and renewable diesel industry generates $23.2 billion in annual economic activity and sustains 75,200 jobs.

The letter calls for timely administrative action from the EPA to ensure regulations keep pace with advancements in technology, fuel utilization, and carbon sequestration. By streamlining regulatory processes, lawmakers believe the EPA can foster innovation and encourage further industry expansion.

The bipartisan coalition stresses that maintaining a strong biofuels sector is essential for supporting farmers, strengthening domestic energy production, and reducing dependence on foreign fuel sources. They urge the EPA to act swiftly in providing regulatory clarity and enabling long-term industry growth.

Access the complete letter here.

Photo Credit: photo-credit-vista-mipan

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