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North Dakota to nationals - 4-H stars share their voice

North Dakota to nationals - 4-H stars share their voice

By Scout Nelson

Four North Dakota 4-H members, including Burleigh County's Elizabeth Sikes and Cass County's Aubrey Delaney and Nora Severance, as well as Williams County's Aubri Staloch, recently returned from the enriching National 4-H Conference held from April 19-24 in Washington, D.C.

More than 260 youths from across the United States gathered to tackle current issues through leadership and collaboration.

“The National 4-H Conference was one of my favorite things I have done through 4-H,” shared Elizabeth Sikes, emphasizing the conference's role in her leadership development. Sikes and her peers engaged in roundtable discussions, addressing significant youth-related issues.

These groups not only discussed but also presented their solutions to key decision-makers across various federal agencies, showcasing the depth of their research and their commitment to civic engagement.

Aubri Staloch noted, “It was a truly amazing experience that I will treasure forever,” highlighting the personal and professional growth opportunities offered by the event.

Aubrey Delaney relished the chance to explore Washington D.C.'s National monuments and appreciated the serious engagement from federal partners during presentations.

Chaperone Kelly Leo, an Extension agent from North Dakota State University, observed significant growth in the participants, stating, “Their presentations would rival even the best adult presenters and truly impressed the federal agencies.”

Encouraged by her transformative experience, Nora Severance urged other youths to seize this opportunity, noting, “Deciding to apply for the trip is one of the best decisions I have made.”

As the 2025 conference approaches, potential delegates are reminded that applications are due by August 1 to the NDSU Extension Center for 4-H Youth Development. This annual event continues to be a cornerstone for young leaders eager to develop their skills and make impactful connections.

Photo Credit -4-h

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Categories: North Dakota, Education

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