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North Dakota Ag tech gets $1.5M boost

North Dakota Ag tech gets $1.5M boost

By Scout Nelson

Senator John Hoeven announced a significant grant for Grand Farm, a North Dakota hub for agricultural technology innovation. Grand Farm will receive roughly $1.5 million over three years from the Economic Development Administration's (EDA) Tech Hubs Program.

This funding stems from Grand Farm's partnership with Montana's Headwaters Tech Hub. The collaboration aims to develop advanced "smart photonic sensing systems" for autonomous applications. These systems can benefit agriculture, national defense, resource management, and disaster prevention.

Senator Hoeven played a key role in securing this grant by:

  • Funding the EDA initiative: He leveraged his position on the Senate Appropriations Committee to secure funding for the EDA's Tech Hubs Program.
  • Facilitating Partnerships: He advocated to Montana officials to include Grand Farm and regional private industry in the project.
  • Formalizing Collaboration: He brought together the North Dakota and Montana delegations to solidify the partnership.

"This grant recognizes North Dakota's leadership in agriculture and unmanned systems," Senator Hoeven said. "It will fuel innovation in autonomous technologies, strengthening our food security and national security."

This award aligns with Senator Hoeven's broader efforts to promote collaboration across various entities. He seeks to connect federal, state, and local governments, research universities, and private industry to drive advancements in precision agriculture. This collaborative approach is exemplified by Grand Farm's involvement in several initiatives:

  • $50 Million for Ag Research: Senator Hoeven secured over $50 million in Fiscal Year 2024 funding for agricultural research across North Dakota.
  • Grand Farm-NDSU-USDA Partnership: He supported the establishment of a collaborative research effort between Grand Farm, North Dakota State University (NDSU), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS).
  • NDSU-led FARMS Partnership: He is instrumental in securing $160 million over ten years for the NDSU-led FARMS partnership funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
  • New NDSU Ag Policy Research Center: He is working to establish a new agriculture policy research center at NDSU with $2 million in funding.

By fostering these collaborations, Senator Hoeven is propelling North Dakota to the forefront of agricultural innovation.

Photo Credit: getty-images-elhenyo

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Categories: North Dakota, Government & Policy

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