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Get $750 back on organic certification costs

Get $750 back on organic certification costs

By Scout Nelson

Applications are currently being accepted for the Organic Certification Cost Share Program for the fiscal year 2024, according to Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring.

Organic farmers, ranchers, processors, and handlers can apply for up to $750 in reimbursement for organic certification expenses paid between October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024, thanks to this initiative.

“Organic farmers, ranchers, processors, and handlers can receive up to $750 of the organic certification costs paid between Oct. 1, 2023, and Sept. 30, 2024,” Goehring said.

Organic certification is crucial as it assures consumers that products meet recognized organic standards. This certification not only allows producers and processors to label their products with the federal organic seal but also enables them to command higher prices in the marketplace.

Producers certified by organizations such as Where the Food Comes from Organic or the Organic Crop Improvement Association Chapter 1 should apply for reimbursement directly through their certifier.

These organizations handle most of North Dakota’s organic certifications. Other producers are encouraged to contact the North Dakota Department of Agriculture (NDDA) at 701-328-2191 or via email at for further details on how to apply.

Goehring also noted that the United States Department of Agriculture has awarded the NDDA $97,500 to fund the certification reimbursement program for 2024, highlighting the federal support for the growth of organic farming in North Dakota. This initiative is part of a broader effort to promote sustainable agriculture practices within the state.

Photo Credit:istock-elenathewise

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Categories: North Dakota, Business, General

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