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Free webinars tackle mental health in farming community

Free webinars tackle mental health in farming community

By Scout Nelson

To support the mental and emotional well-being of those in the agricultural community, North Dakota State University Extension has announced two vital Question-Persuade-Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention webinars.

Scheduled for April 2 and May 7, these 90-minute sessions starting at noon CDT, aim to shed light on the high stress and mental health challenges faced by those in agriculture-related occupations.

Research highlights a troubling trend: individuals working in agriculture experience significantly higher suicide rates compared to other sectors. The upcoming QPR training sessions are designed to empower participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to recognize the signs of mental distress or suicidal ideation and how to offer effective, empathetic support.

Sean Brotherson, an NDSU Extension family science specialist, emphasizes the critical nature of addressing farm and ranch stress, which profoundly impacts mental health.

The training, led by NDSU Extension agents Katie Henry and Madeleine Smith, is not exclusive to the farming community; it is open to anyone interested in learning more about suicide prevention.

The initiative is part of a broader effort to improve wellness among those in the agricultural field, supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, ensuring there is no cost to participants. Those interested in attending are encouraged to register early for their preferred date by visiting the NDSU Extension website.

This initiative reflects a commitment to fostering a safer, more supportive environment for those who feed the nation.

Photo Credit -north-dakota-state-university

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Categories: North Dakota, Education, Rural Lifestyle

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