Several Extension Master Gardeners, including was Minnesota, were honored during the recent North Dakota State University Extension Master Gardener Program awards ceremony.
The NDSU Extension Master Gardener Program is a volunteer service organization that beautifies communities, educates the public about gardening, donates fresh produce to local food pantries and encourages pollinator conservation.
After participants complete 40 hours of class work, they are known as Master Gardener interns. They can become certified Master Gardener volunteers by volunteering 48 hours of time during a two-year period on gardening and education projects in cooperation with NDSU Extension.
Those honored at the awards program were (all cities are in North Dakota unless otherwise noted):
Adult Education Award - Burleigh and Morton Counties Diagnostic Teams; Sophia Asbury, Deb Gallagher, Annette Kost, Breanna Miller, Don Reiner, Ray Utter, Kathleen Wiese, Bismarck; Christy Ames-Davis, Mandan
Best Group Project Award - presented to Ward County Extension Master Gardener Food Pantry Garden; Bette Furgeson, Burlington; Liz Mueller, Linton; Rebeccah Eman, Deb Fauske, Gladys Lowell, Nancy Scofield, Minot
Communications Award - Renee Jean, Williston
Best Elder Care Project - Curt Larson, Forman
Feeding the Hungry Award - Jennifer Skoog, Christine
Innovation Award - Theresa Martin-Johnson, Tolna
Working with Underserved Populations Award - Beth Rogness, Fargo
Youth Education Award - Cecelia Collins and Laurie Podoll, Jamestown
Friend of the Extension Master Gardener Program - Breana Kiser, NDSU Extension agent for Dickey County
Ron Smith Award for Community Service - Candace Allen, Moorhead, Minn.
100 Hour Service Club Members -- These Master Gardeners volunteered 100 hours or more but less than 200 hours (volunteer hours in parentheses):
- Sandy Bieber (110.5), Mary Heyerman (180.5), Annette Kost (143.5), Don Reiner (124.5), Bismarck
- Myla Alsaker (100), Felicia Davis Cooper (164), Julie Garden-Robinson (114), Cindy McLean (141), Will Robinson (114), Nola Storm (158.5), Fargo
- Cindy Filler (156), Grand Forks
- Nicole Severance (102.5), Hunter
- Kathryn Torkelson (144.5), Lansford
- Ann Guanella (148), Oberon
- Linda Hovda (176.5), Parshall
- Lynnette Vachal (119.5), Ross
- Brenda Jorgenson (158), Tioga
- Penny Seifert (164.5), Wahpeton
- Barbara Keyes (180.75), West Fargo
200 Hour Service Club Members -- These Master Gardeners volunteered 200 plus hours in the previous year (volunteer hours in parentheses):
- Meigan Cameron (254), Bismarck
- Jennifer Skoog (401.5), Christine
- Joan Bishoff (341), Anita Hofsommer (332), Kathleen Johnson (211), Rhonda Miller (221), Jack Wood (580), Linda Worner (276), Fargo
- Anne Smith (215.5), Grand Forks
- Laurie Podoll (243.5), Jamestown
- Rebeccah Eman (258.25), Minot
- Candace Allen (296.5), Moorhead, Minn.
- Karen Weber (304), Wahpeton
Certified Master Gardener Volunteers -- These individuals completed their 48-hour volunteer internship in 2021 and were certified as Master Gardener volunteers:
- Sophia Asbury, Debra Gallagher, Kim Lee, Breanna Miller, Greg Tschider, Bismarck
- Lee Briese, Edgeley
- Joyce Hanna, Breanna Kompelien, Nick Moszer, Bette Stieglitz, Maria Toomey, Amber Ueland, Arielle Windham, Fargo
- Jo-Anne LaVigne, Larimore
- Tamara Metzen, Milnor
- Jacob Thrailkill, Minot
- Cheryl Doll, New Salem
- Elizabeth Suhr, Ray
- Amy Koehler, Upham
- Daniel Sikkink, West Fargo
Master Gardener Diagnosticians -- These individuals completed their 20-hour apprenticeship in 2021 and earned the elevated title of Master Gardener Diagnostician:
- Emily Hilgers, Fargo
- Cindy Filler, Grand Forks
- Christy Ames-Davis, Mandan
- Ann Guanella, Oberon
- Linda Hovda, Parshall
- Lynnette Vachal, Ross
- Theresa Martin-Johnson, Tolna
- Renee Jean, Williston
Categories: Minnesota, General, Rural Lifestyle, North Dakota, General, Rural Lifestyle