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U.S. farm crop status - weekly insights

U.S. farm crop status - weekly insights

By Scout Nelson

This past week, U.S. farmers had 5.3 days suitable for fieldwork, as reported by the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Soil moisture levels show a general adequacy across the board, supporting crop development during this critical growth phase.

Here's a breakdown of the current crop conditions:

Soybeans are slightly behind with 94% blooming and 77% setting pods. The condition is mostly good to excellent.

Spring wheat shows a strong 77% in good to excellent condition, with 43% already harvested.

Durum wheat mirrors last year's maturity at 84%, with a fifth harvested.

Corn, notably lagging, has only 49% at the dough stage and 5% dented, well behind the usual pace.

Canola and sugar beets show strong conditions, with most rated good to excellent.

Oats and barley are progressing well, with over half the barley crop harvested.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information. Potato and dry edible beans display mostly good conditions despite some developmental delays.

Pasture and range conditions are mostly favorable, with a majority rated as good, supporting livestock grazing needs efficiently. Water supplies for stock also remain largely adequate, ensuring minimal stress on the animals.

The USDA continues to provide these updates to help plan and operate farms across the nation, reflecting their commitment to supporting the agricultural community through accurate and timely data.

Photo Credit:gettyimages-eugenesergeev

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Categories: North Dakota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Weather

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