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North Dakota crop update June 2024

North Dakota crop update June 2024

By Scout Nelson

As of June 2, 2024, farmers in North Dakota experienced 4.2 days suitable for fieldwork, reports the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Soil moisture varied, with most areas reporting adequate levels, supporting active fieldwork.

Here are key updates from the week:

Soybeans: 66% planted, closely aligning with the five-year average. About 23% of soybeans have emerged.

Spring Wheat: In good to excellent condition, with 91% planted and 70% emerged, showing better progress than last year.

Durum Wheat: Excellently rated at 87% good to 5% excellent, with 90% planted and 74% emerged.

Winter Wheat: Progressing well with 65% jointed and 8% headed.

Corn: Shows strong conditions with 86% planted and 45% emerged, slightly better than the previous year.

Canola and Oats: Both are ahead in planting and emergence compared to last year.

Sugarbeet and Barley: Show particularly strong conditions and better planting progress than last year.

Sunflowers, flaxseed, and potatoes show varied progress, with potatoes notably ahead in emergence compared to the average.

Pasture and Range conditions are good, with most areas reporting good to excellent range conditions.

This detailed account of the agricultural status reflects ongoing efforts to manage crop growth effectively across North Dakota, providing critical data for farmers and stakeholders.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-mvburling

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Categories: North Dakota, Crops

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