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NDSU experts warn hunters about bird flu

NDSU experts warn hunters about bird flu

By Scout Nelson

Many hunters in North Dakota are gearing up for the fall goose and duck season. As hunting season approaches, the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension specialists are encouraging hunters to review biosecurity practices to protect domestic birds and livestock from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). The risk of transmission increases during hunting season due to closer interactions with wild birds, which may carry the virus.

“If you hunt game or wild birds and own domestic poultry or livestock, do not wear hunting clothes or footwear while you are interacting with your poultry or livestock,” says Miranda Meehan, NDSU Extension livestock environmental stewardship specialist. The virus can be transmitted through bird saliva, mucous, or feces.

Waterfowl, gulls, terns, and shorebirds are the primary carriers of avian influenza. Although the virus can spread without visible symptoms in wild birds, it has been detected in all U.S. migratory flyways, affecting both birds and mammals.

Mary Keena, NDSU Extension livestock environmental management specialist, emphasizes the importance of biosecurity. “It is your job as an animal owner to create a line of separation between your clean animals and potential unclean issues.”

Hunters and livestock owners are encouraged to change clothing after being in hunting areas, avoid areas with wildlife feces, clean equipment, and limit their pets' contact with wild birds. Proper biosecurity and hygiene, like disinfecting hands, clothing, and footwear, are key in preventing the spread of the virus.

Additionally, cooking game birds thoroughly to an internal temperature of 165°F is recommended to eliminate any risk of infection from meat consumption.

For more detailed guidelines, hunters can consult the North Dakota Game and Fish Department or the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service websites.

Photo Credit:north-dakota-state-university

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Categories: North Dakota, General, Livestock

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