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ND State Fair celebrates farmers market week

ND State Fair celebrates farmers market week

By Scout Nelson

National Farmers Market Week is on the horizon, and efforts are ramping up in North Dakota to maintain consumer engagement. Maureen Scott, who manages the Market in the Park in Devils Lake, shared that the market operates each weekend until mid-fall, offering a range of fresh produce and unique local products.

Over recent years, the market has experienced significant growth, expanding from under ten vendors to over 60. Scott attributes this increase to diligent off-season marketing and planning, emphasizing the necessity of year-round effort.

She points out that immediately after the season ends in October, preparations for the following year begin on October 30th.

The sustainability of farmers markets is crucial as they serve various age demographics, including young adults, who have shown growing interest in such community-based venues.

Currently, there are over 8,000 farmers markets registered with the USDA, a stark rise from the 2,000 markets noted back in 1994. Despite a slowdown in growth due to the pandemic, the trend towards local food consumption continues.

Scott is hopeful about the future of her market and others within North Dakota. A pivotal strategy for her team is ensuring that all products sold are sourced from within a 60-mile radius, thereby supporting local farmers and not those from states like Michigan or Wisconsin.

This local focus comes as more consumers push back against the large-scale corporate farming that dominates much of the agricultural sector, raising concerns about its environmental and economic effects on local communities.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-shotbydave

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Categories: North Dakota, Rural Lifestyle, Farm Safety

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