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Oakes Irrigation Field Day at NDSU

Oakes Irrigation Field Day at NDSU

By Scout Nelson

Join the NDSU Oakes Irrigation Research Site on August 1, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM CT. The event features a rolling tour with opportunities to engage with experts in various agricultural fields.

The morning begins with potato breeding updates from Asunta Thompson, NDSU’s potato breeder. Evans Wiafe, a graduate research assistant in Ag and Biosystems Engineering, will present on robotic weeding solutions and monitoring technologies.

Wade Webster, NDSU Extension soybean specialist, will discuss soybean diseases and management strategies under high moisture conditions, while Michael Wunsch, CREC research plant pathologist, will provide insights on white mold management in soybeans.

Juan Osorno, NDSU dry bean breeder, will offer a dry bean variety update, and Carlos Pires, NDSU Extension soil health specialist, will explain the importance of soil organic matter.

Stay for lunch and take this opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable knowledge from our experts.

For more information, contact Linda Schuster at or call 701-652-2951.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-ygrek

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Categories: North Dakota, Crops, Soybeans, General, Government & Policy

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