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Aligning Farming Laws in North Dakota

Aligning Farming Laws in North Dakota

By Scout Nelson

Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring says that House Bill 2150 only makes minor changes to North Dakota’s corporate farming law, primarily making it consistent in different sections in North Dakota Century Code that were made in the previous legislative session.

For example, under the corporate farming law, farmers may contract for farm services such as grain purchases and harvesting. The minor changes in HB 2150 would make clear that ranchers in the state can likewise contract for ranch services.

These contracted ranch services might include fencing, weed control, reseeding, manure management, brush and land clearing, mulching and pasture management.

The bill would also reduce confusion in annual reporting requirements by family farm LLCs and authorized livestock farm LLCs. Finally, it would make the corporate farming law consistent with the Agriculture Land Ownership by Aliens law.

“HB 2150 does not permit unauthorized foreigners to purchase farmland in North Dakota. It does not expand who can legally own farmland. All prospective land purchasers in the state would still have to follow all laws that restrict land ownership,”

Goehring said. “These minor changes in HB 2150 are designed to simply make the law consistent and more easily understood. Statements to the contrary are disingenuous and misleading.”

Photo Credits:north-dakota-state-university

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